EFR 704: How I Remove Limiting Beliefs, Live Intentionally, Set Boundaries & Stay Committed to Myself
I recently sat down with Eli Weinstein to share my decades-long journey to discovering and embracing the real Chase Chewning! It’s a journey that reached its critical point when I turned 35 during the COVID outbreak in 2020. Like everyone else, my world was flipped on its head, and I’d started questioning deep-seated beliefs I’d held all my life. My goal? To rid myself of the beliefs that didn’t serve me and replace them with beliefs that do. The one question that I always asked myself, whether or not I was conscious of it, was: “Do I feel safe?” And ultimately, that boiled down to yet another question: “Am I loved?” And if I felt no safety or love at any moment—in holding onto a given belief, in interacting with a certain individual, in inhabiting a particular room—then I gained the clarity and the courage to climb over those walls that kept me in and found my freedom. Eli and I give our thoughts on the process of living an intentional life with a full commitment to oneself, from setting healthy boundaries, to avoiding a life lived in fear of other people’s opinions, to the true meaning of living life ever forward. Follow me on Instagram @chase_chewning Follow me on TikTok @chase_chewning Key Highlights We take a lot of our beliefs for granted, mainly because we lived our whole lives up to this point assuming they were fundamental “truths”. But if we really sit down and think about those beliefs, we can determine which of them serve us and which of them are nothing more than destructive forces that impede our growth. When we find ourselves needing to walk away from someone in our life who no longer supports our mental or emotional health, we need to fall back on our boundaries. It’s easier said than done to create strong, healthy boundaries, but we need them in order to stay in a constant state of safety, security, and love. We fall into selfishness when we rely on others to dictate our moral compass. This can be as serious as having our values shaped by other people or as insignificant as wearing certain clothes to avoid being judged in a certain way by those around us. Living life “ever forward” comes down to sharing lessons learned from significant, often difficult, life experiences with others, whether through conversations or creating content or even monetizing those lessons through a product. Episode resources: Get your FREE WHOOP 4.0 acitivity tracker and save on any new membership Save 20% on any functional mushroom, adaptogen & CBD product with code EVERFORWARD at Cured Nutrition Connect with Eli Weinstein