EFR 706: One Year of Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) and Why I am Stopping

Chase here! In this solo episode, I’m breaking down why I started testosterone replacement therapy a year ago. I share my results almost 15 months later and why I’ve decided to stop. If you’ve followed my TRT journey on social media, you’ve seen my dosages, you’ve seen how I’ve changed physically, and you’ve seen how my numbers have gone up at the gym. But there’s a lot that I haven’t shared yet. I haven’t shared how I’ve administered my dosages, nor the side effects I’ve experienced. Listen in as I come clean about my testosterone replacement therapy journey, from why I started in the first place, to specifics regarding my labs and personal regimen, and why my journey is coming to an end. Follow me on Instagram @chase_chewning Key Highlights I was determined to enter my 37th birthday in October 2022 as the best me possible. I didn’t just want to look at my best. I wanted to feel at my best. I was no slouch at 36. I was doing great physically, and I felt it. But I knew there was room for fine-tuning. I became more regimented, both inside and outside the gym, but being in my mid-30s, I began to struggle with keeping up that level of motivation. Not to mention it was tough to maintain my body composition despite my increased efforts. This was why I decided to explore TRT to provide that edge. If you’re considering TRT, the very first thing you should do is check in with yourself. Do a head-to-toe scan and be as objective as you can, and even a little critical, about what you see and feel. Get clear on what you want out of your day and out of your training. Compare those ideals with your current day-to-day realities. Always keep in mind that TRT is not a quick fix—not that you should ever pursue anything because it’s a quick fix anyway! I ultimately decided to stop testosterone replacement therapy for two reasons. The first was that I experienced skin issues that slightly impacted my social life. Secondly, even though TRT did not negatively impact my sexual activity, I’ve recently decided to prioritize my fertility health over my muscle mass. These two reasons are why, after 14 months, I’ve begun to titrate down and eventually go off TRT completely. Episode resources: I used Blokes for my TRT, visit https://blokes.co/chase for men and https://choosejoi.co/chase for women and use code CHASE for your free consultation and 10% off Save 15% on the delicious grass fed and grass finished beef sticks at https://www.Paleovalley.com/everfoward  Save 20% with code EVERFORWARD at https://www.LegionAthletics.com/everforward 

Om Podcasten

Hi, I'm Chase Chewning (@chase_chewning on Instagram) and this is the podcast that is devoted to help you build a life that propels you forward - EVER FORWARD. Conversations with industry leaders in health and wellness, personal development, entrepreneurship, celebrities and entertainers, creatives, military and so much more. I am a US Army veteran, ACE Certified Health Coach, and I hold a BS in Exercise Science and MS in Health Promotion and currently live in Los Angeles, CA.