EFR 716: Overcoming Setbacks and Simple Steps to Transform Your Emotional State

Ever wondered how to introduce a positive change state? Join me on this solo episode as I delve into the topic of setbacks, suffering, and the importance of not suppressing our emotions but rather creating a safe container for them to teach us invaluable lessons. I also discuss the importance of mindfulness and choosing a change state to shift out of negative emotions as well quantitative and qualitative ways to measure all of this. Transforming your emotional state is a crucial aspect of living a fulfilling life. By following these simple steps, you can improve your overall well-being and achieve your goals.   Follow me on Instagram @chase_chewning Follow me on Twitter @chasechewning   Episode resources: Save 10% on Ketone-IQ with code CHASE at HVMN.com/chase  Save 15% on grass fed beef sticks at Paleovalley.com/everforward  Get Ryan Holiday's The Daily Stoic 

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Hi, I'm Chase Chewning (@chase_chewning on Instagram) and this is the podcast that is devoted to help you build a life that propels you forward - EVER FORWARD. Conversations with industry leaders in health and wellness, personal development, entrepreneurship, celebrities and entertainers, creatives, military and so much more. I am a US Army veteran, ACE Certified Health Coach, and I hold a BS in Exercise Science and MS in Health Promotion and currently live in Los Angeles, CA.