EFR 727: Sustainability and Greenwashing: A Guided Journey Beyond the Buzzwords Towards Conscious Living with Monica Richards

Picture the scene - you're browsing the aisles, checking for organic labels, fair trade symbols, certifications, all in a quest for sustainability. Yes, it's that word again. But what if I told you it's more than just a buzzword? Join me and Monica Richards on an enlightening exploration of sustainability and its evolution from a niche 'hippie-dippy granola' concept into an integral part of our everyday life. We share personal narratives and lessons from our journeys towards sustainable living. In this episode, we're drawing back the curtain to reveal the uncanny connection between us and the natural world, the DNA similarities that link us to trees, fungi, and apes but more importantly what you can do RIGHT NOW to make your world and the world a better place. Follow Monica @theecobabe Follow Chase @chase_chewning ----- Key highlights Exploring Sustainability Nature, Sustainability, and Personal Consciousness Connection Understanding Greenwashing and Prioritizing Sustainability Taking Action for Sustainability Sustainable Skincare and Fast Fashion Tips and Tricks for Sustainable Living ----- Episode resources: Legion now uses 80% less plastic! Save 20% on your entire first purchase with code EVERFORWARD at https://www.LegionAthletics.com  Get a free variety sample pack of Recharge electrolyte drink mix with any purchase at https://www.DrinkLMNT.com/everforward  Watch and subscribe on YouTube

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Hi, I'm Chase Chewning (@chase_chewning on Instagram) and this is the podcast that is devoted to help you build a life that propels you forward - EVER FORWARD. Conversations with industry leaders in health and wellness, personal development, entrepreneurship, celebrities and entertainers, creatives, military and so much more. I am a US Army veteran, ACE Certified Health Coach, and I hold a BS in Exercise Science and MS in Health Promotion and currently live in Los Angeles, CA.