Why Do Strangers Keep Talking to Me?

Listener Brittany has a problem. No matter where she goes, strangers open up to her. She can’t get through the grocery store without a heart-to-heart. ELT consults a panel of experts to understand why this happens to Brittany, and what she can do about it. Pixar character designer Deana Marsiglese performs a facial analysis; celebrity presentation coach Glenn Kinsey offers repulsive communication techniques; and herpetologist Dusty Rhoads has an extreme solution guaranteed to stop a conversation short. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Why do news anchors all sound the same? Do wolves really howl at the moon? How did Elvis imitators take over Las Vegas wedding chapels? On ELT, you call with a question, we find you an answer. Our helpline is open 24-7. Call 833-RING-ELT or send an audio message to elt@gimletmedia.com. Subscribe to Every Little Thing PLUS by clicking here and access all episodes of Every Little Thing ad-free.