King Kong: The Origin of a Cinematic Titan

As with all episodes of this podcast there are spoilers ahead! For full detailed shownotes (without character limits) you can choose the episode on the watch page here. I would love for you to join in by watching the film King Kong here.Description:In early March 1933 the US welcomed Franklin D Roosevelt as their 32nd president. The longest lasting presidency in US history. That same weekend the original King Kong opened in theatres in New York. The huge ape was a big success and continues to...

Om Podcasten

The Every Single Sci-Fi Film Ever* podcast looks back at more than a century of films, beginning in 1902 and working towards the future. Each episode focuses on a film, director or theme and brings in experts to discuss the history, politics, and influences. Join sci-fi enthusiast Ayesha Khan as she travels through time and space, encounters aliens, and battles authoritarian regimes all from the comfort of your home planet. Released every two weeks
