Prakruti and vikruti | Our uniqueness

Welcome to the Everyday Ayurveda & Yoga | Sattvic Revolution series with Myra Lewin.We're dedicating 2023 to The Joyful Journey of sattvic living. We’ll offer guidance and tools from Ayurveda and Yoga for living consciously, simply, and with love. In this month's episode, Myra explores: Getting hung up on knowing your prakrutiThe 4 pillars of health we look at in AyurvedaHow the practices of Yoga, combined with balancing agni and doshas, allow us to release attachments with joy ...

Om Podcasten

Celebrating over 1.5 million downloads! Everyday Ayurveda and Yoga at Hale Pule is the remarkable original  podcast on holistic healing brought to you by Myra Lewin, founder and director of Hale Pule School of Ayurveda and Yoga. Ayurveda and Yoga are designed to work together to create greater peace and well-being in our lives. Tune in each month as Myra shares her experience and perspective on the timeless wisdom that defines these ancient sciences. A thoughtful, intuitive teacher and a true healer, Myraji will guide you to connect to your spirit, to your heart, and to the sacred space inside where you’ll find peace, power, and clarity.