Your invitation to Flow with the Feminine

We’re hosting our most loved and popular free online training, Flow with the Feminine. Over four transformational sessions,  we will be sharing the wisdom of Ayurveda. Guiding Women through how they can experience their periods, menopause and hormones differently; free from pain and discomfort and in alignment with nature. We invite you to show up for yourself, at a predetermined time and place, to begin your journey to living a joyful and symptom-free life.No more delaying or excuses. Will you meet yourself there?Registration is now open. Flow with the Feminine is already buzzing with thousands of women and the first wisdom session will commence on March 12th.   You can join now by clicking this link.We are here to celebrate and support you on your healing journey with us. Thanks for tuning in to the Everyday Ayurveda and Yoga at Hale Pule podcast. If this series inspires you to live a more holistic and balanced lifestyle, check out Hale Pule’s 4-week Agni Therapy program - a reset for your digestion and your life! It includes Ayurveda and Yoga practices, energy work, a private support group, and a library of Q&As with Myra to support your healing process. Learn more here.You can also connect with Myra and the Hale Pule team over at the refreshing Spark your Intuition meditation series, and on Instagram and Facebook.

Om Podcasten

Celebrating over 1.5 million downloads! Everyday Ayurveda and Yoga at Hale Pule is the remarkable original  podcast on holistic healing brought to you by Myra Lewin, founder and director of Hale Pule School of Ayurveda and Yoga. Ayurveda and Yoga are designed to work together to create greater peace and well-being in our lives. Tune in each month as Myra shares her experience and perspective on the timeless wisdom that defines these ancient sciences. A thoughtful, intuitive teacher and a true healer, Myraji will guide you to connect to your spirit, to your heart, and to the sacred space inside where you’ll find peace, power, and clarity.