Episode 500 -A Discussion on Extraterrestrials with Kathleen Marden, Rev Michael Carter and Preston Dennett

Rev. Michael JS.Carter is originally from Baltimore, Maryland. He moved to New York City in 1980 and lived there for 27 years, working as a professional actor before moving to Asheville. Michael is an ordained Interfaith Minister and received his BA Degree in Letters from the College of New Rochelle where he graduated cum laude. He received his Masters In Divinity Degree from Union Theological Seminary in NewYork City (class of 2000). He has served as a staff chaplain (Board Certified) at Lenox Hill Hospital, Beth Israel Hospital, Beth Israel Cancer Center, Methodist Hospital, and New York Hospital Queens while residing in New York City. While serving various Unitarian Universalist Congregations in New York, Michael was trained as an anti-racism trainer and has been recognized by President Clinton for his efforts. Michael was also a weekly columnist for the Asheville Citizen Times, and has written articles for the Black Mountain News, and The Tryon Daily Bulletin, both local North Carolina Newspapers . A long time UFO Contactee, his Book Alien Scriptures: Extraterrestrials In The Holy Bible, was( in March of 2014) number one on Amazon.com’s list of UFO related books. Michael has also appeared on George Noory’s Coast To Coast radio show, and on George Noory’s TV show, “Beyond Belief” on Gaiam Television. He has also appeared as a regular guest on Midnight In the Desert, with host Heather Wade. Ms. Wade has taken over for Mr. Art Bell. He credits also include appearing on Academy Award winning actress, Shirley Maclaine’s radio show, as well as author, Whitley Strieber radio show, “Unknown Country.” Michael has also appeared this past July 2016 as a guest speaker at the Phoenix MUFON gathering. Michael has written articles for on the topic of UFOs and Religion for such publications as UFO Magazine, Alien Encounters (A British Publication), The MUFON UFO Journal, Contact Forum, The S.P.A.C.E. (Support Program for Abductees Contact Encounters) which is a UFO experiencer support group in New York City. He has also spoken at various UFO Confereneces, such as the Second Philadelphia Need To Know Conference, The Annual Long Island UFO Conference with the late Budd Hopkins, as well as appearing on radio and TV shows across the Nation. Rev. Carter has also appeared on Japanese TV talking about UFOs and The Bible. Other TV appearances include being a regular consultant on The History Channel’s, Ancient Aliens Series, as well as being featured in the UFO TV Documentary, The Real 4400. Rev. Carter was also feature in Steven Spielberg”s TV documentary, Abduction Diaries for the Sci-Fi Channel. “Diaries” was the precursor to the Spielberg’s HBO series, “Taken.” Author Whitely Strieber calls Rev. Carter’s first book, Alien Scriptures: Extraterrestrials in The Holy Bible, “the best book ever written on the topic.” His three other books are, A New World If You Can Take iT: God, Extraterrestrials, and The Evolution of Human Consciousness. God Consciousness: A 30 Day Meditation Manual for God Conscious Thinking. His most recent addition is, The Metaphysics of Spiritual Healing and the Power of Affirmative Prayer. All of his books may be purchased at Amazon.com and Barnes& Nobles.com Michael is on the advisory board of The Foundation For Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters, or FREE. He also continues to serve a minister for the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Swanannoa Valley, located in the beautiful mountains of Western North Carolina, as well as serving as a consulting minister for The Thermal Belt Unitarian Universalist Fellowship in Tryon, North Carolina. Kathleen Marden is a researcher, author, on camera expert, conference presenter, experiencer advocate, hypnosis practitioner and support group facilitator. She is known as one of the leading UFO contact researchers of our time. Since 1990, she has researched the perplexing nature of UFOs and the non-human entities associated with highly advanced aerial vehicles via her own groundbreaking research, investigation, and experimentation. Her research has extended to archival collections and the US government’s involvement in the investigation of UFOs and its major studies. This has combined to give her a depth of knowledge that few possess. She is the 2013 recipient of MUFON's "Researcher of the Year" award and the 2021 recipient of the International UFO Congress "Lifetime Achievement Award". She earned a B.A. degree in social work and was employed as an educator and education services coordinator while attending graduate school. She is a certified practitioner of regression hypnosis and the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique. She has worked on three social research studies, on experiencers of ET contact, two with Ph.D. social scientists. Additionally, she offers the Awakening Souls support group for experiencers who feel an intense calling to be part of the answer and to assist others who are beginning to awaken to their relationship with Non-human intelligence. Her interest in UFOs and contact began in 1961, when her aunt and uncle, Betty and Barney Hill had a close encounter and subsequent abduction in New Hampshire’s White Mountains. She spent fifteen years in painstaking investigation of the Hill abduction case and continues to seek the scientific analysis of the compelling evidence. Her bestseller with nuclear physicist Stanton T. Friedman (1934-2019) is “Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience”. She and Stanton worked together for nearly 14 years and collaborated on two additional books “Science Was Wrong” and “Fact, Fiction, and Flying Saucers”. Her book with Denise Stoner “The Alien Abduction Files” includes her investigation of six intergenerational cases of abduction/contact. Her fifth book “Extra Terrestrial Contact: What to Do When You’ve Been Abducted” is a comprehensive guide to contact for Experiencers, those who love them, professionals who work with Experiencers, and the interested public. Read her latest book “Forbidden Knowledge: A Personal Journey from Alien Abduction to Spiritual Transformation” for deeper insight into Kathleen’s own life and works. Her essays have been published in several additional books and magazines. Visit her website at www.kathleen-marden.com Preston Dennett began investigating UFOs and the paranormal in 1986 when he discovered that his family, friends and co-workers were having dramatic unexplained encounters. Since then, he has interviewed hundreds of witnesses and investigated a wide variety of paranormal phenomena. He is a field investigator for the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), a ghost hunter, a paranormal researcher, and the author of 29 books and more than 100 articles on UFOs and the paranormal. His articles have appeared in numerous magazines including Fate, Atlantis Rising, MUFON UFO Journal, Nexus, Paranormal Magazine, UFO Magazine, Mysteries Magazine, Ufologist and others. His writing has been translated into several different languages including German, French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and Icelandic. He has appeared on numerous radio and television programs, including Coast-to-Coast and the History Channel’s Deep Sea UFOs and UFO Hunters. His research has been presented in the LA Times, the LA Daily News, the Dallas Morning News and other newspapers. He has taught classes on various paranormal subjects and lectures across the United States. In addition to writing true non-fiction books about UFOs and the paranormal, Preston Dennett is also an award-winning science fiction writer. He has sold 40 speculative fiction stories to such markets as Andromeda Spaceways, Bards & Sages, Cast of Wonders, Daily Science Fiction, Grievous Angel, Perihelion, Sci-Phi Journal, Stupefying Stories, T. Gene Davis's Speculative Blog and many others, including several anthologies. After earning twelve honorable mentions, he won Second Place in Quarter 1, 2018 of the Writers of the Future Contest. He currently resides in southern California.

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