Psychedelic Round Table with Chris Kilham, Solana Booth, G. William (Bill) Barnard and Stephan Gray

Chris Kilham Chris Kilham is a medicine hunter, author, educator and TV personality who promotes natural, plant-based medicines, sustainable trade and indigenous cultures. He has conducted ethnobotanical plant research in more than 45 countries and lectures worldwide about holistic wellness and botanical medicines. Chris helps to develop and popularize traditional medicinal plants—including ayahuasca, cannabis, San Pedro, kava, maca, rhodiola, ashwagandha, schizandra, tamanu oil, cat’s claw, dragon’s blood, and hundreds of others. The New York Times called Chris “Part David Attenborough, part Indiana Jones.” Chris’ work with psychoactive and psychedelic plants combines his decades of experience as a yoga teacher with his deep involvement in South American shamanism. He is the founder of The Ayahuasca Test Pilots, a collaboration of individuals who engage in ceremonial ayahuasca journeying in the Amazon. Chris lives and works in Western Massachusetts with his wife and business partner, cultural activist and psychedelic feminist Zoe Helene, who often Solana Booth Solana is enrolled into the Nooksack Nation of the Chief Dan George Family and Mohawk from Bay Quinte where the peacekeeper was born, White Owl House of the Wolf Clan. Her Paternal association is Tsymsyan of the Violet Booth Family, Raven Clan. She is a mother of nine and Grandmother of two baby girls. Solana graduated with honors in the field of Early Childhood Special Education. Then was immersed as a bona fide perinatal, prenatal, post-natal psychology practitioner and lactation and birth-work educator. Solana is a first-foods advocate, somatic archeology and generational brain-spotting practitioner. She is also an Advocate of Sacred Principal Consultant for Tribal Whole-health care, Historical/generational Trauma Recovery Training(s) for Health and Human Services work with Native American and First Nation Tribes, Health-Care Providers and Private organizations, Family and Survivor Violence Recovery Facilitation, Drug and Alcohol Recovery Development(s), Perinatal/Prenatal/Postnatal programming, and many other initiatives and responsibilities. G. William (Bill) Barnard G. William (Bill) Barnard is a Professor of Religious Studies, as well as a University Distinguished Teaching Professor, at Southern Methodist University, in Dallas, Texas. His primary areas of research interests are the comparative philosophy of mysticism, religion and the social sciences, contemporary spirituality, religion and healing, and consciousness studies. For over 15 years (including his ongoing study of Portuguese), Professor Barnard has researched the Santo Daime tradition, a syncretistic, entheogenically-based new religious movement that emerged in Brazil in the mid-twentieth century. Professor Barnard is the author of Living Consciousness: The Metaphysical Vision of Henri Bergson as well as Exploring Unseen Worlds: William James and the Philosophy of Mysticism, both published by State University of New York Press. In addition, Professor Barnard is the co-editor of Crossing Boundaries: Essays on the Ethical Status of Mysticism. Professor Barnard has also written many journal articles and book chapters on a variety of topics, such as pedagogy in religious studies, the nature of religious experience, issues in the psychology of religion, and most recently, entheogenic religions and spirituality Stephan Gray Stephen Gray is a teacher and writer on spiritual subjects and sacramental medicines. He has worked extensively with Tibetan Buddhism, the Native American Church, and with entheogenic medicines. The author of Returning to Sacred World: A Spiritual Toolkit for the Emerging Reality, he is also a conference and workshop organizer, leader, and speaker as well as a part-time photographer and music composer under the artist name Keary. He lives in Vancouver, British Columbia.

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