Fabrizio Gramuglio, Founder and CEO of Xperience +

Fabrizio Gramuglio, Founder and CEO of Xperience +, shares his passion and vision to enable creators around the world to leverage the five senses to create unlimited immersive realities.  Links: https://xperience.plus https://xperience.plus/x-press-kit-media-journalists-internet-of-senses/ LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/gramuglio/ Twitter:  @tylerhgates @sophiamosh  Visit the VR/AR Association at www.TheVRARA.com for more information about how you can get involved with this worldwide organization to help gain exposure and share ideas and best practices with other experts in the industry. Subscribe to the podcast wherever podcasts are found or listen to past interviews at www.TheVRARA.com/podcast

Om Podcasten

Everything VR & AR is a weekly podcast covering technologists, enthusiasts, and companies with real world deployments of virtual reality and augmented reality experiences. Learn from interviews with the leaders in gaming, entertainment, productivity, enterprise, social, education, medicine, software, hardware, psychology and more. This podcast covers everything that is VR and AR including the hottest topics and news in virtual reality and augmented reality. Nathan Pettyjohn, Founder of the VR/AR Association is your host.