40/20s for VO2Max Training?
Full Episode here: https://youtu.be/BIA8Tg-31_4 In this segment, the speaker delves into the intricacies of prescribing VO2 max workouts tailored to individual athletes. They discuss the merits of various workout formats, such as Forty-Twenties, and how they can be strategically employed to accumulate time in the VO2 zone without excessive strain. The conversation touches on the intensity levels, with suggestions for percentage of FTP (Functional Threshold Power) and the number of intervals to optimize training outcomes. Through this dialogue, the viewer gains insight into the nuanced approach to designing effective VO2 max workouts that balance intensity and duration for long-term improvements. 👋🏽 If you're new to the channel, welcome! Check out some other training resources below. 🚀TrainingPeaks Store Programs: https://tinyurl.com/TP-Store 💥Ketones, Delta G Tactical: https://tinyurl.com/DeltaGKetones CODE Brendan for 15% off 😈 Lactigo: www.lactigo.com/brendan MORE WATTS and LESS BURN Full Blog With Training Tips: www.evoq.bike/blog Subscribe to Our Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/ggRc4n Follow Along on Strava: https://www.strava.com/pros/5889 EVOQ Training Packs: https://www.evoq.bike/training-packs Airofit: https://www.airofit.com/?sca_ref=476545.3AVnm3vdGW Best Chamois Cream: https://www.hellobluecbd.com/, Code Brendan Cordyceps Mushrooms: https://shop.realmushrooms.com?ref=62 Best shades: https://www.julbo.com/en_us/ Calorify: https://calorify.com Discount Code EVOQ Donate to EVOQ.BIKE for all the Free Content: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=U3YMCAUEMQ4PC