Uncommon Intervals
Full Episode here: https://youtu.be/2Hj8DcLEc9g The video delves into the intricacies of coaching cyclists, highlighting the challenges of prescribing effective training efforts based on terrain and athlete capabilities. The coach discusses the importance of tailoring intervals to match the athlete's environment and physiological needs, rather than adhering strictly to predetermined formulas. They emphasize the significance of understanding an athlete's strengths and event demands to craft suitable training regimens. The coach introduces various interval techniques, including tempo, progressive tempos, and ramp to infinity intervals, explaining their physiological benefits and practical applications. They stress the importance of incorporating variability and progression into training to optimize performance and break through performance plateaus. Overall, the video provides insights into the nuanced approach required for effective cycling coaching, balancing scientific principles with practical considerations. 👋🏽 If you're new to the channel, welcome! Check out some other training resources below. 🚀TrainingPeaks Store Programs: https://tinyurl.com/TP-Store 💥Ketones, Delta G Tactical: https://tinyurl.com/DeltaGKetones CODE Brendan for 15% off 😈 Lactigo: www.lactigo.com/brendan MORE WATTS and LESS BURN Full Blog With Training Tips: www.evoq.bike/blog Subscribe to Our Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/ggRc4n Follow Along on Strava: https://www.strava.com/pros/5889 EVOQ Training Packs: https://www.evoq.bike/training-packs Airofit: https://www.airofit.com/?sca_ref=476545.3AVnm3vdGW Best Chamois Cream: https://www.hellobluecbd.com/, Code Brendan Cordyceps Mushrooms: https://shop.realmushrooms.com?ref=62 Best shades: https://www.julbo.com/en_us/ Calorify: https://calorify.com Discount Code EVOQ Donate to EVOQ.BIKE for all the Free Content: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=U3YMCAUEMQ4PC