Contact with Council of Nine & 24 ET Seeder Races

In this Exopolitics Today interview, Elena Danaan discusses her recent trips to Ganymede and a nearby space fleet parked between Jupiter,  Ganymede and Io to meet the Council of Nine and the Intergalactic Confederation. Her experiences closely match information concerning  historical extraterrestrial contact cases involving the Nine and the "24 Extraterrestrial Civilizations" responsible for seeding humanity in this and other galaxies. Elena discusses the sequence of meetings, along with details of ships, personnel and current activities aimed to bring about open contact with humanity. She explains why open contact is more likely to succeed today, than the mid-1970s when the Council of Nine and the 24 Civilizations/Intergalactic Confederation first began communicating with Gene Roddenberry and others about mass landings.    Many thanks to Elena Danaan for supplying illustrations of her meetings  with the 24 ET Seeder races and the Council of Nine. --- Support this podcast:

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A leading researcher, keynote speaker and best selling author in the fields of Exopolitics. Dr. Salla is a forerunner in the push to full disclosure of secret space programs, black budget projects, and the human ET agenda. These podcasts strive to reveal how this all relates to our past and current Political theater and the future of the human experiment. Stay informed. Visit us at | and please Like Share and Subscribe. Support this podcast: