Egyptian Gods, Tall Grays, Reptilians and Space Pirates

Exopolitics Today Week in Review with Dr Michael Salla – June 1, 2024  Topics Ancient Egyptian Gods were Extraterrestrials According to leading QHHT practitioner It's the 25th anniversary of The Thirteenth Floor. Ancient Gods & ETs Among Us Today – The Exopolitical Implications - New Webinar - June 15, 2024. A transcript of an interview a 25-year CIA agent gave a couple of years ago about his contact with Mantid/Tall Gray ET is now available. The evidence of ancient Reptilian species walking and living among humanity spans multiple national cultures. Col Karl Nell on the reality of non-human intelligence visiting Earth and interacting with humanity. Extraterrestrial Contact in Washington and Hawaii A forensic image expert has conducted a frame-by-frame analysis of the 2023 Las Vegas alien sighting & concluded the tall beings are genuine. Only a few months to go before GSIC-2024 - JP will be appearing as a presenter. Total signatories to Artemis Accords rises to 42 with Peru & Slovakia joining. First Annual Space Piracy Conference Scheduled for February 2025 Congressman Robert Garcia is offering 3 UFO amendments to the NDAA for 2025. These stories and more in Exopolitics Today – The Week in Review Twitter Feed: --- Support this podcast:

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A leading researcher, keynote speaker and best selling author in the fields of Exopolitics. Dr. Salla is a forerunner in the push to full disclosure of secret space programs, black budget projects, and the human ET agenda. These podcasts strive to reveal how this all relates to our past and current Political theater and the future of the human experiment. Stay informed. Visit us at | and please Like Share and Subscribe. Support this podcast: