Is an Ancient Space Ark at Lake Vostok heating up Antarctica?

On March 18, news emerged of a heatwave in East Antarctica, the  epicenter of which was the Vostok region that sits atop a mysterious  lake two miles under the ice sheet. Scientists are baffled by the heat  surge of more than 70 degrees above average temperatures and are seeking  answers. A likely explanation comes from two sources who say an ancient  ark is buried under the ice sheet in the Vostok region, and its  activation is heating up East Antarctica.   This is a audio-video version of an article published on  on April 1, 2022 at:    Many thanks to Jean Charles Moyen and Elena Danaan for permission to publish their email communications.    Jean Charles' movie “South Shore Origin” is available on Vimeo    Elena Danaan's website is:   Info for April 9 webinar on ET Seeders, Space Arks, and the Great Reveal is at: --- Support this podcast:

Om Podcasten

A leading researcher, keynote speaker and best selling author in the fields of Exopolitics. Dr. Salla is a forerunner in the push to full disclosure of secret space programs, black budget projects, and the human ET agenda. These podcasts strive to reveal how this all relates to our past and current Political theater and the future of the human experiment. Stay informed. Visit us at | and please Like Share and Subscribe. Support this podcast: