Navy Seal recruited as CIA Assassin guarded flying saucers at S-4 Area 51

What follows is my two part series of articles originally published on July 16 and July 19, 2009, on concerning the revelations of an alleged Navy Seal who spent time at  the S-4 facility at Area 51, which he described as a museum for flying  saucers and aliens. The former Seal claimed that guard duty at S-4 was  used as a means of “cooling down” assassins used by the CIA to  permanently silence government critics and/or remove national security  threats. --- Support this podcast:

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A leading researcher, keynote speaker and best selling author in the fields of Exopolitics. Dr. Salla is a forerunner in the push to full disclosure of secret space programs, black budget projects, and the human ET agenda. These podcasts strive to reveal how this all relates to our past and current Political theater and the future of the human experiment. Stay informed. Visit us at | and please Like Share and Subscribe. Support this podcast: