Designing Environments for Learning with Mary Ruppenthal

In this episode of Experience by Design, we welcome Mary Ruppenthal, Associate Principal at HED, one of the oldest and largest architecture and engineering firms in the United States. Mary has a career of experience working with educational institutions and communities to create learning solutions that serve more than just students. We explore how the next generation of educational environments are being built for multiple purposes beyond what happens in the classroom. She shares lessons of navigating the politics of design, divergent stakeholder perspectives, considering sustainability, and emerging trends. She describes how heading up these projects is like creating music with our clients so that together they can produce beautiful harmonies.

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This is experience by design, a podcast that brings new perspectives to the experiences we have everyday. Does standing in line always have to suck? Why are airports so uncomfortable? What does it mean to be loyal to a brand? Why do you love being connected but dislike feeling tethered to your smart phone? Can we train people to care about the climate? Join Sociologist Gary David and Anthropologist Adam Gamwell on an expedition to the frontiers of culture and business through the lens of human experience. We're here to make sense of the madness with leading psychologists, cognitive and social scientists, entrepreneurs, and business leaders.