Jeb's Game and VR for Learning Disabilities

Inspired into action by the story of Jeb, a young man with Down’s Syndrome who was having trouble learning how to read, a group of game designers, developers, sound and communication professionals, and educators who met on Reddit and organized themselves on Discord. Using an open source mentality, this group has been exploring how VR gaming can be used to help people with intellectual challenges learn how to read. We chat with Oliver and Kellan from Jeb’s Game about the process of bringing the team together, how they creating a VR-based learning experience, and how they keep the project on track.

Om Podcasten

This is experience by design, a podcast that brings new perspectives to the experiences we have everyday. Does standing in line always have to suck? Why are airports so uncomfortable? What does it mean to be loyal to a brand? Why do you love being connected but dislike feeling tethered to your smart phone? Can we train people to care about the climate? Join Sociologist Gary David and Anthropologist Adam Gamwell on an expedition to the frontiers of culture and business through the lens of human experience. We're here to make sense of the madness with leading psychologists, cognitive and social scientists, entrepreneurs, and business leaders.