Stacy Sherman and Doing Customer Experience Right

Stacy Sherman has been living customer experience since she first had to pick it up and learn it on the job. From her full-time work as Director of Customer Experience and Employee Engagement at the Schindler Elevator Company, to her other full-time work as a consultant at Doing CX Right, much of her days are spent trying to make customer experience and centricity a part of organizational life. In our conversation, we talk about the conception and birth of customer experience, its coming of age and the growing pains associated with early adolescents, how it is finding an identity in its adulthood, and where it may be going as it ages.

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This is experience by design, a podcast that brings new perspectives to the experiences we have everyday. Does standing in line always have to suck? Why are airports so uncomfortable? What does it mean to be loyal to a brand? Why do you love being connected but dislike feeling tethered to your smart phone? Can we train people to care about the climate? Join Sociologist Gary David and Anthropologist Adam Gamwell on an expedition to the frontiers of culture and business through the lens of human experience. We're here to make sense of the madness with leading psychologists, cognitive and social scientists, entrepreneurs, and business leaders.