Truman's anti communist policy 1945-47

The mid term elections in 1946 were a disaster for the Democratic Party, which faced fraudulent accusations of communist sympathies from their Republican rivals. Both Democrats and Republicans learned that 'red baiting' was a useful tactic and could be weaponised against political enemies.Explaining History is funded through advertising and donations. For more content, journalism and ideas, visit the Explaining History Patreon page here: Become a member at Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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The Explaining History Podcast has been exploring the 20th Century in weekly chapters for the past 10 years, helping students and enthusiasts engage with the past. With the help of expert guests, your host Nick Shepley navigates competing debates around the key events and processes of the past century. Become a member at Hosted on Acast. See for more information.