The Circular Economy and Open Source

The term ‘open source’ is often linked to the development of software. But what about hardware? In the final part of this series, Colin meets two experts working in this space to hear how, much like in the natural world, collaboration can be used to address some of the problems of a linear economy, and help to accelerate a circular one. Colin is joined by Alastair Parvin from WikiHouse, an online service that provides blueprints of houses for free, and by Pilar Bolumburu from Materiom, a company sharing locally-appropriate material recipes that anyone can use. If you’ve enjoyed this series, please leave a review as it helps other people find it. We’ll be back with more episodes soon!

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The Ellen MacArthur Foundation welcomes you to The Circular Economy Show, a podcast about a new way to design, make, and use things, and how we can build an economy that's fit for the 21st century.