Au Hasard Balthazar (1966)

Celebrating 55 years since its release in 1966, Au Hasard Balthazar is considered by many to be one of the greatest films of all time, and yes, we’ve been long overdue to tackle a film from the one and only Robert Bresson, whose work has influenced filmmakers of all stripes for over half a century. The film stars Anne Wiazemsky a young French woman who develops a striking bond with a donkey she’s known since its birth, and we see a chronicling of her hardships as they parallel the inhumane treatment of Balthazar, a creature representing innocence in its rawest form.

Om Podcasten

Every week on Extra Milestone, we celebrate a classic film anniversary from the archives of movie history. These are the films that have impacted the landscape of cinema for the better, making them as relevant today as they were upon first release. Hosted by Sam Noland and featuring guests from across the Cinemaholics podcast network and beyond.