Cyndie Silbert: Founder of Feminine Mastery and Author of True Callings – 081

Today’s Extraordinary Women Radio interview is a juicy one, with a dear friend of mine.  Cyndie Silbert is the founder of Feminine Mastery. As she shares with us in this interview, the Feminine Shift is real and it's happening now.

I know I’m feeling it – and I know many of you are as well. We are being called. There is an old paradigm ending and new, feminine paradigm emerging. Cyndie tells us to embrace the change. Today, I love diving into this conversation with Cyndie.

"Trust in yourself... your guidance, your power and all you can create." ~Cyndie Silbert

Cyndie wrote her book True Calling, Awaken the Power of Your True Self at the onset of what is now a global feminine-empowered awakening. Feminine Mastery and Cyndie's Archetypes provide a new framework for us as women, to discover our unique role in the global feminine shift and how to flourish in this very new paradigm. It's about guiding a woman to fulfill her desires, dreams and destiny while living a deeply fulfilling and prosperous life.

Feminine Mastery is offered through private mentoring, retreats and vibrant online programs. Cyndie’s original Feminine Mastery Archetypes unlock the untapped power and potential held within a woman’s being (her ego, mind, body, spirit and heart) which unleashes her feminine essence, wisdom, manifesting power, superpowers and the path to living her true calling. You can begin your journey with Cyndie and Feminine Mastery by taking her free Archetype Quiz, to find your mentor archetype.

Follow Cyndie on Facebook or follow her Feminine Mastery page.

Let’s met Cyndie Silbert of Feminine Mastery.

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Extraordinary Women Radio is igniting a new paradigm of entrepreneurship, weaving soulful-inspiration into mindful business strategies. This Soul+Strategy™ approach to business is helping women around the globe scale and grow their businesses with a more feminine, abundant approach. Each week we bring you stories and wisdom from globally recognized entrepreneurs and leaders from around the globe. They share their personal stories of life, success, loss, transition, following dreams and stepping into their courage – and a whole lot of business wisdom. Join award winning entrepreneur and podcast host, Kami Guildner in these Soul+Strategy conversations to #RaiseUP your business to the next level. Kami is on a mission to #RaiseUP the voice, visibility and businesses of one million extraordinary women entrepreneurs around the world. For it is changemaking, influential women like you who are leading the way, lighting a path by igniting your wild success to make your lasting mark on the world. Let the wave begin.