Georgann Low (aka Bunny), an Elder Stateswoman of the Hippie Generation and Author of Resurrecting Bunny: A Wild Child’s Pilgrimage – Episode 256
Today, I'm thrilled to introduce you to a very special person who I've known for a large portion of my life Georgann Low (aka Bunny). Over the years I've always loved to spend time with her whenever she was in Colorado and hear her incredible stories. She's an artist, author, musician, and spiritual companion with a new book out now! In this Episode: Georgann shares her journey of finding her inner light; the pathway she took to get to know and accept herself genuinely How turning off noise and distractions can help you show up more present Why having a good sense of humor matters and allows us to dance through the struggles of life Tips on finding your own inner light The importance of showing up for yourself Why meditation matters and how this practice allows us to be more in tune with ourselves and the world around us Georgann's take on contemplative mysticism Georgann Low's been on the planet long enough to tell you that life only gets better as you get older. She was born and grew up (more or less) in Golden, Colorado, a tiny town surrounded by foothills. There Georgann dreamed, talked to stars, and danced around the town. Early on, she got the reputation of being wild and (mostly) lovable and funny. Her memoirs, DANCING ALONE and RESURRECTING BUNNY, are, of course, about her experiences after she left the joy and comfort of childhood and launched herself into the "real" world. Georgann's life got crazier and crazier and darker and darker as she got further and further from herself. At 28, she discovered meditation in Santa Fe, NM, and immediately began her spiritual journey home. The birth of her first child saved her from uninterrupted self-absorption. He and his brother and sister have been her teachers and her salvation. Meditation was difficult with all the hollering in her house, and Georgann longed for a day when she could be quiet. So when her kids grew up (more or less), she left her marriage and moved part-time to southern France, where she bought a tiny, stone farmhouse high on a hill. There she created a garden and learned to speak with her neighbors (and some birds!) Georgann would say it was blissful, but it was lonely. She danced alone, created art purely for its joy, and sang in nightclubs with some French musicians; but mostly hung out with herself reading Thomas Merton and meditating deeply. It took a while, but she began to embrace her solitude. Georgann now lives alone in a cottage with a lovely garden near the town where she grew up and next to three of her five grandchildren. Blissful - but not without the ongoing struggles with her shadow self. Even so, Georgann's back to that joy of being she had as a child. Georgann has discovered she is a being of light. We all are. As her 99-year-old spiritual companion says, "All we have to do is remember." "We need to be present in this world at this time. We can't deny what's going on, we can't dwell on it, and we can't just lose ourselves in the news." –Georgann Low To learn more about Georgann and her work, check out her website or books Dancing Alone and RESURRECTING BUNNY: A Wild Child's Pilgrimage. You can also connect with her on Facebook, Instagram, or listen to her music on iTunes. Let's meet Georgann Low. Georgann Low Show Notes