Haley Hoffman Smith: Founder of Her Big Idea Foundation and Author of Her Big Idea – 051

Today’s Extraordinary Women Radio guest – Haley Hoffman Smith is a young and upcoming rockstar in the entrepreneurial world. I love the energy she is bringing into the world and her incredible wisdom is way beyond her years!

Haley started her first global non-profit and wrote her first book at age 18, and is in the midst of starting her second non-profit – Her Big IDEA Foundation. She also will be a key team member on The Next Gen Summit - leading a community of 2000 entrepreneurs to their success. Her second book Her Big Idea will launch on June 11 – shortly after she graduates from Brown University in May.

At Brown, Haley studied how women develop their sense of self agency in entrepreneurship and venture capital for her honors' thesis. She also created the first-ever women's entrepreneurship incubator to help female students bring their ideas from concept to reality.

Haley's research around the impact of women in leadership, on boards and in venture capital firms was recently published in Forbes. She has huge passion for shining light on women's presence on a board boosts the bottom line. She shared the  research from the venture capital firm, First Round Capital who did a 10-year study on all the companies they invested in during that time period. The research showed that the companies with at least one woman on the board generated about 65% more ROI than companies with no women on the board.

Haley has a passion for opening up opportunities for other women and helping them find the partnering and resources to launch their own companies. This is a rich delightful conversation of courage and bravery, self love and vulnerability, success and 'perceived' failure, and getting up and doing it all over again anyway.

"You don't learn anything from success." ~Haley Hoffman Smith

Haley is dynamic and there is no doubt in my mind that we need to take note of her name – because there will be a time when we say about Haley Hoffman Smith – I remember her when. She’s got an impact to make – I promise!

To follow Haley's work and watch for the launch of her new book Her Big Idea, follow her on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn.

Let’s dig in and meet Haley Hoffman Smith!

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Extraordinary Women Radio is igniting a new paradigm of entrepreneurship, weaving soulful-inspiration into mindful business strategies. This Soul+Strategy™ approach to business is helping women around the globe scale and grow their businesses with a more feminine, abundant approach. Each week we bring you stories and wisdom from globally recognized entrepreneurs and leaders from around the globe. They share their personal stories of life, success, loss, transition, following dreams and stepping into their courage – and a whole lot of business wisdom. Join award winning entrepreneur and podcast host, Kami Guildner in these Soul+Strategy conversations to #RaiseUP your business to the next level. Kami is on a mission to #RaiseUP the voice, visibility and businesses of one million extraordinary women entrepreneurs around the world. For it is changemaking, influential women like you who are leading the way, lighting a path by igniting your wild success to make your lasting mark on the world. Let the wave begin.