Leah Remillét: Founder of The CEO Kid – Episode 133

Today on Extraordinary Women Radio, I'm excited to bring you the very extraordinary Leah Remillét: Founder of The CEO Kid.

The CEO Kid teaches kids to have their own entrepreneurial adventure!! LOVE THIS!!

Leah built a successful six figure business, only to discover it wasn’t her soul work! As she started doing her own soul work, she did something – some of us might call crazy! She and her husband packed up everything they owned and took their three kids to travel the world for a year. Think ‘Eat Pray Love’ meets PTA Mom/Business Owner. Tune in and find out if she found the answers she was looking for! This is such a fun story!

In this episode:

Discover how Leah went from moneyed entrepreneur to founder of The CEO Kid
Traveling the world and pursuing your true calling
Experiencing humanity in all its goodness
How Leah ascertained that teaching kids about business is her true calling
How to empower your children through entrepreneurial skills development
Leah’s legacy of creating more happy families

“We will never regret the time that we invest into our families but we can definitely regret the success we’ve accumulated when the cost turns out to have been too high.” - Leah Remillét
Connect with Leah Remillét on LinkedIn and check out her websites: The CEO Kid and Leah Remillét. You can also find her on Facebook and Twitter.

Let’s meet Leah Remillét of The CEO Kid!

Leah Remillét Show Notes

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Extraordinary Women Radio is igniting a new paradigm of entrepreneurship, weaving soulful-inspiration into mindful business strategies. This Soul+Strategy™ approach to business is helping women around the globe scale and grow their businesses with a more feminine, abundant approach. Each week we bring you stories and wisdom from globally recognized entrepreneurs and leaders from around the globe. They share their personal stories of life, success, loss, transition, following dreams and stepping into their courage – and a whole lot of business wisdom. Join award winning entrepreneur and podcast host, Kami Guildner in these Soul+Strategy conversations to #RaiseUP your business to the next level. Kami is on a mission to #RaiseUP the voice, visibility and businesses of one million extraordinary women entrepreneurs around the world. For it is changemaking, influential women like you who are leading the way, lighting a path by igniting your wild success to make your lasting mark on the world. Let the wave begin.