Lisa Meiring – CEO of Radical Results Consulting providing success and mindset strategies – 122
Today on Extraordinary Women Radio, I'm excited to bring you the delightful Lisa Meiring - CEO of Radical Results Consulting providing success and mindset strategies.
Lisa is one of our Extraordinary Women Ignite speakers November 7-9, where she be talking about mindset, one of the most important things we, as entrepreneurs can tend to in the expansion and growth of our business.
I have learned over the years that mindset is a daily practice as an entrepreneur. There are so many traps that we can fall into – self comparisons, doubt, fear, uncertainty… and catching these early in the moments as they first start to show up is essential!
How we resonate in the world, with our clients, on stages… all means that we need to put mindset health at the top of our priority list on a daily basis. I love Lisa’s teaching in this space!
In this episode, Lisa and I talked about:
Mindset – its definition and importance
Lisa’s turning point in life and how she took a leap of faith
How to stay on track and on purpose
The law of attraction and how to make it work in your life
Rituals to start and end your day right
How to avoid wrecking your self-image
How to use your mind to produce the results you desire
Lisa is the CEO of Radial Results Consulting, and hosts events and seminars to provide success and mindset strategies. She facilitates a world-class program based on intensive research into the science and mechanics of personal achievements: what really makes successful people successful.
Lisa helps clients remove self-limiting beliefs and develop the skills that are invaluable to changing their lives. This leads to discovering their true purpose, untapping their full potential, and playing big.
“There’s so much power in understanding how our minds really work.” - Lisa Meiring
Lisa is a perfect add to Ignite – and I’m thrilled to introduce you to her today! Let's meet Lisa Meiring of Radical Results Consulting.
Follow Lisa Meiring on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook. Visit her website Radical Resulting Consulting here.
Lisa Meiring Show Notes