Cults Crossover: The Virtual Reptilian Cult

Today we’re bringing you a special episode from another Spotify Original from Parcast. If you enjoy it, check out Cults on Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts!  Sherry Shriner believed Satan disguised himself as Jesus and subsequently tricked the world into praising him. She became the virtual leader of an online Reptilian ET Cult that believed demonic, alien reptiles were sent by Satan to take over the world. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Om Podcasten

Why do we think we aren’t alone? Extraterrestrial explores tales of alien encounters. Millions of people claim to have seen alien life, but no one can confirm any of it. Is there a more grounded explanation for these incidents, or is there really something lurking out there? Every Tuesday, we’ll examine reports of a different alien occurrence, and land on the most plausible explanation. Extraterrestrial is a Spotify Original from Parcast.