How To Prevent Respiratory Diseases & The Multi Layered Approach For Optimal Lung Health

Check out and purchase my individual lung health protocols here >> Today we talked about how to prevent respiratory diseases and improve lung health. As the year winds down we have a few less guests on and I'm going to take the reins and talk about some topics I've been meaning on talking about for some time. Lung cancer is rising and it's due to environmental pollution which I mention during the show. Lung health is critical for your longevity. Lung infections and conditions like asthma, COPD and more are on the rise. Here's a small list of some lung conditions and see if you know of anybody in your life that has ever had these...bronchitis, emphysema, pulmonary fibrosis and interstitial lung disease. My mom who was the reason I got into natural and alternative health asked me the other day if there were some things I could recommend to help improve her oxygen levels in her lungs. She had lung cancer about 10 years ago and they removed 2 lobes of her lung and before that she was a smoker and had non hodgkin's lymphoma back in 1995. When she would smoke in the 80's she would cough a lot and all kinds of respiratory issues with her lungs. Now we don't even need to smoke, we're getting fine particulate matter just by breathing polluted air. So how do we fix our lungs? How do cleanse and detoxify the chemicals and toxins that our stuck in the fine air sacs (alveoli) of our lungs? Is it possible to reverse lung disease? I say yes! First we need to stop breathing chemicals and I share how to do that in our show. Indoor air pollution is real and it's a real problem today. I share some statistics in today's show about lung health that will really make you think. If you know of anybody that is currently dealing with lung issues, problems breathing you might want to point them to this episode. I hope it helps you! Thanks for listening and sharing! Justin, Kate, Charlee and Coco Puff One Last Thing! As always your support via your donations and bookmarking our Amazon link to use each time you purchase is how we keep our show going. Thank you for bookmarking our Amazon link even if you're not buying anything right now! :) Sponsor For This Episode: Private Member Site The Truth About Vaccines BARF World Relax FAR Infrared Sauna Links For This Episode: How to quit smoking Personal Air Purifier Green leafy juices

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