Charybdis & Scylla

Smack dab in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, at the southern tip of the Italian peninsula, the toe of the Italian boot very nearly meets the island of Sicily. These two land masses are separated by a narrow section of water called the Strait of Messina, a busy little waterway regularly traversed by cruise ships, fishing boats, cargo vessels, and private yachts. If you stand on one side of the straight, you can look out and watch these ships pass by, and if you want to travel across the straight to visit Sicily from the Italian mainland, you can hop any one of the regular ferries that depart Calabria for Italy’s largest island. But travel on this now-bustling little waterway wasn’t always so common. Back in ancient Greece, travelers avoided the Strait of Messina at all costs because it was believed to be home to two deadly monsters: Charybdis & Scylla. This week’s story is from Homer’s The Odyssey. This episode was researched and written by Lindsey Morse. Niall Cooper assists with writing and editing. Our theme music was composed by Graeme Ronald. Additional music: "Chimera" by Purple Planet is licensed under CC BY 3.0 / A derivative from the original work Make sure to check out our sister show, Assassinations Podcast: Visit our website: Support us on Patreon: Follow us on Twitter: Find us on Instagram:

Om Podcasten

Each week on Fab Figmentals, we look at a different legendary creature by exploring its history and folklore. Each episode begins with a story, and then we take a look at the creature’s origins and how it’s been portrayed throughout the ages. We tackle the realm of beautiful beasts, curious creatures, and mythical monsters by looking at myths, legends, tales, and lore from all over the world. Please be advised that our stories are often more Brothers Grimm than Mother Goose; they may not be appropriate for little ears.