Magnifying the Greatness of God: Interview with Patience Chigumira
Living a clean life before God is the foundation of any and every relationship with the God of Abraham. He requires complete loyalty to him and him alone. From this loyalty breathes faith, righteousness and the fear of God.The rewards of this loyalty are tremendous!!! Long life, prosperity and salvation to say the least.We all have a Pharaoh in our lives in one shape or form holding us hostage or binding us to something...but God will hear your cry when you reach out to him, and he will set you free! Through Jesus Christ, you will experience the miracle of being born again, of having your sins forgiven, your guilt removed, and of the joy of fellowship with God.It is only when you experience this miracle of conversion that you will look for the miraculous hand of God to work in your life in the future. Listen to Patience Chigumira — Magnify the greatness of God in Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit, by combining God's Word with Music.Patience just released a new single titled “My Salvation” Found on youtube at Patience ChigumiraSong Link: To connect with Host Chris Buscher or Co-Host Dallas Monticue visit:Chris' Instagram:' Instagram: