Producing Courageous Christianity: Interview with Rev. Milford Talbot
Listen as Rev. Milford Talbot shares his testimony and discuss his powerful book “Courageous Christianity for the 21st Century, an Introduction to Basic Christian Theology”Hear him answer controversial questions such as:"What about, heaven and what about hell?""Are miracles fairy tales or are they real and where do they fit into science?""Is there a Trinity, and how can I know since the word, "trinity" is not written in the Bible?""If we are all one in Christ why are there different denominations?""Is the Holy Spirit an active force or does the Holy Spirit have feelings, knowledge, and understanding?""Once saved always saved? Is eternal security biblical? Can a Christian lose their salvation?" The Rev. Milford Talbot received his Masters’ Degree in Christian Apologetics from Biola University in La Mirada, California. In the early 2000’s he launched his apologetics radio program on radio station KKLA 99.5 FM, Los Angeles challenging the cults, agnostics, atheists, and non- believers. Hungry for Christian education? This is book will feed you to the full. Talbot's Links:The Reverend Milford Cornelius Talbot can be reached at Study Your Faith Ministries - 888-838-5589www.studyyourfaith.orgStudyYourFaith@gmail.comBook Link: To connect with Host Chris Buscher or Co-Host Dallas Monticue visit:Chris' Instagram:' Instagram: