231 // From Drowning in "To-Dos" to Celebrating WINS: 1 Simple Mindset Shift for a Joyful Family and Holistic Homeschool

Feeling like you're drowning in a sea of to-dos? We've all been there! Battling anxiety, wrestling with whispering doubts, and trying to homeschool special needs kids? **This podcast is your secret weapon. ** Today I’ll give you a life changing tip. It’s not a magic schedule or a productivity hack, but a way to shift your mindset and find joy in the chaos, even with those pesky doubts buzzing around. This episode is all about celebrating tiny wins and making 1% shifts to transform your home and homeschool from messy mayhem to joyfulness amidst the chaos. ✨ Let's ditch the "to-do" drama and embrace the "done" list! Celebrate those small victories: folding a basket of laundry, squeezing in a hug, navigating meltdowns (and still getting through a math lesson!), or simply being present with your family. Every triumph deserves a cheer. Remember, mamas, you're not in a sprint. We're on a beautiful, messy marathon! ✨ Celebrate the little things, make those 1% shifts (like a pilot tweaking his flight plan, and very much in the Charlotte Mason style of creating good habits!), and trust that tiny steps lead to big joy with your amazing kids. Bonus tips: Take deep breaths! ‍♀️ It helps reduce stress and aligns your whole body. (My physical therapist's wisdom!) Remember Isaiah 28:10: "Precept upon precept, line upon line, here a little, there a little." We build our family goals slowly, step by step. Join the Facebook group! Share your 1% shifts and connect with other families on this journey. ❤️ Level up your support: Consider the Greater Honor Special Needs Family Membership for expert advice, real-life connections, and monthly meetups. You got this, mama! I'm cheering you on every step of the way. See you next week! XOXO, Katie P.S. Don't forget about the Greater Honor discount! Join now before the price increase. http://herhomeandheart.net/tgh FREE GIFT: 10 Secrets To Homeschooling Your High Needs Child WITHOUT Losing Your Mind (It's My Gift to You! Really!

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Reducing Overwhelm for Christian Homeschool Moms ***TOP 1% Parenting + Family Life Podcast*** Reducing Overwhelm for Christian Homeschool Mamas Do you ever feel like your days are a whirlwind of laundry, lesson plans, and "Mom, can you help me?" moments? You're juggling homeschooling, faith, and all the hats you wear – and sometimes, it can feel overwhelming, especially if you have a child who learns a little differently. But what if you could create a joyful and faith-filled home while confidently educating your children? This podcast is for you, mama! Join Katie Keene, a homeschooling mom of 5 with a passion for creating a life-giving home for her family. Katie knows firsthand the joys and challenges of navigating motherhood, and she's here to equip you with practical tips, inspiring stories, and biblical wisdom as you walk this journey together. Whether you're new to homeschooling, have a child who learns a little differently, or simply seeking intentional living and wise stewardship, this podcast offers guidance for: *Crafting a nurturing Christian home: Create a space that reflects your faith and overflows with laughter and love. *Embracing homeschooling with joy: Explore heart-centered, love-of-learning approaches inspired by Charlotte Mason, and discover the confidence and resources you need to thrive, no matter your child's learning style. Even if your child has special needs, disabilities, or is neurodivergent, this show will speak to you right where you are at. *Developing intentional living: Learn practical strategies for managing your home and relationships with wisdom and grace. Let's move beyond mom guilt and embrace the joy of Christian motherhood together! Press play and join Katie on a journey to build a home and homeschool that reflects your faith and nurtures your family's spirit. Love this podcast and want to help other mamas find it? Leave a review on your podcast app to share the love! Connect with Katie: hello@herhomeandheart.com All the INSIDER goodies for you! https://bit.ly/m/HerHomeandHeart