Discovering Your Family's "Why" [Cultivating Spiritual Growth in Your Home 5 of 5]
Will the decisions you're making today get you to where you want to be ten years from now?Welcome to episode 5 of 5 in our Summer Series called, Cultivating a Spiritual Growth Environment in Your Home.In this episode, we talk about your "why" and the gift of involving your kids in a purpose greater than themselves.Here are some highlights:What it means for the household to partner with Jesus for the restoration of all thingsThe generational influence of our kid's purposeMaking those under your roof feel seenLiving with a "there you are" confidenceSetting values today that impact your family ten years from nowTime Stamps: 0:50 Introduction 3:31 Are the decisions you’re making today getting you to where you want to be in the future?6:10 Survival versus vision7:30 Filtering our future through the senses tied to the past9:02 Developing vision for your family11:50 Your household as a vehicle to build for the Kingdom of God20:35 The importance of leading your household well 23:20 Where to begin finding the “why” for your family27:43 The 10-year exercise for your family32:46 The 10-year exercise in perspective35:06 Revisiting “why you’re doing what you’re doing” on a regular basis 36:08 Biblical community as a healing agent for families Show Notes: Interested in the most joyful men's discipleship coaching journey?! Join the interest list! the free workbook / discussion guide for the Summer Series. a copy of Famous at Home by Dr. Josh and Christi: Order a copy of The Household and The War for the Cosmos by C.R. Wiley: Order a copy of The Gospel Comes with a House Key by Rosaria Butterfield: Leave us a review to help others find out about the podcast: