Raising Resilient Kids
As parents, fostering an environment of resilience for our kids is arguably one of the most important ways we can set our kids up for healthy relationships and self-competence. Yet, with the state we find ourselves in as a culture, we ourselves need to build resilience as well. In this episode, Josh and Christi talk about practical ways of cultivating resilience in your home. Highlights include: What it means to be safe for your kidsGiving our kids language for what they need from us and othersHow emotional intelligence is a byproduct of growing in the fruit of the Spirit Show Notes: This podcast episode was sponsored by Epic Will: https://www.epicwill.com/famousWatch this episode on YouTubeRegister now for the MyKidsEQ Coaching Workshop (Summer 2023)Order a copy of the Famous at Home book Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.