When Life Throws Too Much at You

How do we lead our families and push through the daily grind when it feels as though life is just throwing too much at you? In this episode, Josh and Christi open up about their recent experiences, from grieving the loss of their dear friend Bill, to sudden changes happening around them unexpectedly, and all the while balancing work and family life. They explain what is helping them move forward and how you can practically do the same when it feels like life has just thrown too much at you. Josh and Christi talk about: Sitting in uncomfortable emotions and why it's easier than we fear it will beThe emotions of Holy Week and how the biblical characters' worlds were flipped upside downHow to experience God's presence in the chaos of the circumstancesWays to embrace the surprising amount of opportunities we all have in each day for solitude and experiencing God's love Show Notes: Watch this episode on YouTube hereSign up for our free Famous at Home Starter Bundle and receive the 7 Decisions to Put Your Family Center Stage workbook, 100 Commonly Held Values worksheet, and Feelings Charts for your kids (plus access to our weekly members-only newsletter) You still have time! Order 10 Days of the Easter Story Order the Famous at Home book Discover more Christian podcasts at lifeaudio.com and inquire about advertising opportunities at lifeaudio.com/contact-us.

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We all long to put our families center stage. Yet, in a world that competes for our time, attention, and identity, we often give our family the leftovers instead of our full, undivided hearts. Welcome to the Famous at Home podcast, with marriage and leadership coaches, Dr. Josh and Christi Straub. With a realistic, grace-filled look at the struggles families face, the Famous at Home podcast is like having a cup of coffee with authentic friends who just “get you,” yet with the practical and life-changing coaching strategies Josh and Christi use to help spouses, parents, and leaders stay emotionally engaged and connected to their biggest fans. With topics designed to help you set healthy rhythms between work and home, be fully present with your kids, and build a rock-solid marriage, the Famous at Home podcast will awaken your own heart and revive your family.Because we all need to find our way back home.