How are we going to deal with extreme heat?

Welcome back for Season 2! Here we are in October 2022. The seasons are changing. We’re all getting used to a new kind of normal. For those of us in the northern hemisphere, this past summer was uncomfortably hot…and as the scientists keep telling us: this is just the beginning.  To find out how we can tackle future extreme heat events, we spoke with Global Chief Heat Officer Eleni Myrivili. Then we learned about a new type of eco-friendly AC unit and how solar-reflective paint can help reduce the heat in urban communities.

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What if we spent more time thinking about solutions rather than problems? Are you looking for more positive news? World Changing Ideas travels around the globe to find the leaders, experts and activists who are dreaming big and working to change the world for the better. With a focus on the environment, social justice and innovation, these are stories that will get you thinking. World-changing ideas come in all shapes and sizes. Join the conversation with solutions journalist and filmmaker Amelia Hemphill.