THE NEW WAY WE WORK: How to plan for the future in an uncertain world - long term career thinking in times of crisis

Kate Davis talks with Dorie Clark about how to future proof your career (as much as possible). Dorie has been a guest on the show before, she’s also a contributor to Fast Company, Harvard Business Review and others and has been named the #1 Communication Coach and one of the Top 50 Business Thinkers in the World. She teaches at both Duke and Columbia Business Schools, and she is the author of several books, including The Long Game: How to Be a Long-Term Thinker in a Short-Term World.

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What if we spent more time thinking about solutions rather than problems? Are you looking for more positive news? World Changing Ideas travels around the globe to find the leaders, experts and activists who are dreaming big and working to change the world for the better. With a focus on the environment, social justice and innovation, these are stories that will get you thinking. World-changing ideas come in all shapes and sizes. Join the conversation with solutions journalist and filmmaker Amelia Hemphill.