A Conscious Mama’s Birth Story

In today's podcast I chat to mum of two gorgeous little girls, Laura Morrison. I recorded this conversation with Laura a few months back now and she's just annouced that she's expecting her third... So a huge congratulations!

As I was listening to my conversation with Laura again, it really struck me how Laura epitomises the Conscious Mama. Laura used her pregnancy journey to take time to reflect on who she was and who she wanted to be for her children. In doing so she helped to pave the way for two fabulous birth experiences.

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A conscious mama's birth story
Despite her first pregnancy not being planned, the minute Larua found out that she was pregnant it really focused her mind and was the trigger for setting in place the beginings of a huge life shift. In the midst of a successful corporate career, Laura began planning her exit strategy from corporate in creating a life that would enable her to be there for her children while still doing fulfilling work. Listening to Laura is a real treat, because here is a woman who is calm and measured, and who consciously and deliberately took the steps she needed to to help her to prepare mentally and emotionally for her life as a mother and parent. In my eyes this makes her a conscious mama!

During our chat, Laura shares

What she did to help her prepare for birth including yoga, exercise, natal hypnotherapy and regular reflexology treatments
Resources that she found useful; What to expect when you're expecting, the Babycenter app
How journalling helped her to reflect and understand who she was
Why a plastic-backed picnic blanket is a useful thing to have while waiting for baby's arrival... and jasmine oil!
How she dealt with her medical team when they disagreed on her due date
The importance of her talking to her employer about winding things down
Why she thinks pregnancy offers that perfect opportunity to take the time and space to reflect, to make sure you’re going into it as well prepared as you possibly can.

Laura shares some wonderful wisdom and advice during our conversation including these gems;

On how to approach your pregnancy:
Pregnancy is the perfect opportunity to take the time to reflect and understand what kind of parent you want to be, what you want that relationship to look like with your child... to to address what has brought you from your past to now, and how do you want to move that forward positively.
On how to think about your birth:
Women can have a better birth experiences if they can accept there’s not one particular type of birth; they’re not all the same, anything can happen. And if we can walk into that with an awareness, with a prepared-ness, then we’re in a much better position to make confident choices.
On dealing with the medical professionals:
It's important to be calm and clear about what you want and where you’ll compromise on.
I'm sure you'll enjoy listening to Laura share her pregnancy journey and the tales of her wonderful births.

You can find out more about Laura and her work at The Game Changer Consultancy here and her Talented Women Project can be found on Facebook - just look for the group Talented Woman - Tips for Success.

Was it helpful to you to listen to Laura share her story? What do you think makes a conscious mama? Let me know in the comments!

Om Podcasten

The Fear Free Childbirth podcast is for parents-to-be who want to take the fear out of pregnancy, birth and beyond. The show is a mix of real-life positive stories, experts sharing their wisdom and Alexia sharing psychology insights to help you to get into a fearless mindset. Mindset is a key aspect that can help to you have a positive experience with all three, and it all starts with preparing for pregnancy and childbirth. One of the biggest fears parents-to-be face is the fear of the unknown. This is where this show can help. By learning more about what to expect, and how to handle it, you can lose one the fear and embrace the journey. It all started when Alexia experienced her first miscarriage and felt relief; she knew something was amiss. She had tokophobia, the extreme fear of pregnancy and birth, which is pretty terrifying. To help her cope with her pregnancy and the thought of the birth, Alexia developed a technique to get rid of her fears and anxieties. She went on to have two amazing births and she now teaches this technique to others that they too can overcome their fears and have the life they want. What started as a maternity leave project, is now an essential resource with tens of thousands now listening to Alexia’s podcast each month as they seek to lose The Fear and prepare for pregnancy, birth and motherhood. The podcast is credited with helping thousands of women around the world in having a positive birth experience. A empowered birth experience is the best way to start the parenting journey because it infuses you with strength and resilience. Alexia is the developer of the healing modality Head Trash Clearance, a coach, speaker, trainer and author of the books “Fearless Birthing: Clear your fears for a positive birth” and “Clear Your Head Trash: How to create clarity, peace and confidence in your life and work”. She works privately with people from all over the world, as well as supporting them with her online products and programs. Fear Free Childbirth is the online destination for women seeking to take the fear out of pregnancy and birth with fear-clearance meditations, online fear-clearance courses, professional training and specialist programs for overcoming tokophobia. Find out more at FearFreeChildbirth.com and Fearless-Birthing.com