Hidden Pregnancy & Birth Trauma

The Power of Healing Your Hidden Pregnancy and Birth Trauma In this episode I explore hidden pregnancy and birth trauma. Discover how ancestral trauma can fuel fears and anxieties about pregnancy and birth, even if you've never been pregnant. I also share my personal healing journey, transforming my perspective on childbirth. Join me in addressing any hidden pregnancy and birth trauma for a fearless pregnancy and birth. I'd like to dive into a topic that often gets overshadowed by nursery décor and baby names: the importance of healing your emotional wounds and traumas around pregnancy and birth. Pregnancy and childbirth are undoubtedly transformative experiences, and while they can be filled with joy and excitement, they can also bring forth a surge of emotions, some of which may be deeply rooted in our past. So, let's chat about why taking care of your emotional well-being during this time is not just a good idea – it's crucial. 1. Emotions and Pregnancy: A Deep Connection Pregnancy is a powerful journey that connects the physical and emotional aspects of our lives in a profound way. As your body changes and grows, so do your emotions. It's like a rollercoaster ride – thrilling, sometimes scary, and occasionally a bit overwhelming. But here's the thing: those rollercoaster emotions aren't just about what's happening in the moment. They can also be influenced by unresolved issues and traumas from the past. These emotional wounds can impact your overall experience, your connection with your baby, and even your postpartum period. If you've had difficult pregnancy or birth experiences in the past, then making peace with them is an important step for you to be able to enjoy the future. And I don't just mean future pregnancy or birth experiences, but YOUR future. Difficult or traumatic pregnancy and birth experiences will stay with you and will cloud your parenting journey. Releasing them will enable you to enjoy your time as a parent. And, if you're struggling with fears of pregnancy or birth, or are suffering from tokophobia, then it's likely that you have some traumas or wounds that are feeding your fears. These might well be traumas or emotional wounds that are related to pregnancy or birth. Taking the time to heal any pregnancy and birth trauma will help you make good progress in releasing your fears and getting to a place whereby you can enjoy your pregnancy or the thought of being pregnant. 2. Create a Healthy Emotional Blueprint for Your Baby The emotional state you're in during pregnancy can have a lasting impact on your little one. Babies in the womb are incredibly perceptive and attuned to their mother's emotional state. I've talked about this a lot in the past, and I've interviewed the Father of Prenatal Psychology himself, Dr Thomas Verny all about this important topic. So be sure to listen to that episode if you want to better understand this. Putting time aside to heal any pregnancy and birth trauma, you're not only taking care of yourself but also nurturing a healthy emotional environment for your baby. Imagine the beautiful ripple effect of starting your baby's life with a foundation of love, peace, and emotional well-being. It's like giving them a head start in the game of life! 3. A Fear Free Childbirth Experience When you've worked through your emotional baggage, you're more likely to approach birth with confidence and calm. There is a lot of evidence to support this and it's one of the surer ways to guarantee a smooth and fear-free childbirth experience. Birth is a transformative event, and it's normal to feel anxious or fearful. However, healing emotional wounds can help you manage these emotions and make the birthing process smoother and less stressful. Our emotional wounds feed our fears and anxieties, so when we take the time to heal our wounds, we are taking away the fuel that feeds our fears. 4. Postpartum Bliss The postpartum period can be a challenging time,...

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The Fear Free Childbirth podcast is for parents-to-be who want to take the fear out of pregnancy, birth and beyond. The show is a mix of real-life positive stories, experts sharing their wisdom and Alexia sharing psychology insights to help you to get into a fearless mindset. Mindset is a key aspect that can help to you have a positive experience with all three, and it all starts with preparing for pregnancy and childbirth. One of the biggest fears parents-to-be face is the fear of the unknown. This is where this show can help. By learning more about what to expect, and how to handle it, you can lose one the fear and embrace the journey. It all started when Alexia experienced her first miscarriage and felt relief; she knew something was amiss. She had tokophobia, the extreme fear of pregnancy and birth, which is pretty terrifying. To help her cope with her pregnancy and the thought of the birth, Alexia developed a technique to get rid of her fears and anxieties. She went on to have two amazing births and she now teaches this technique to others that they too can overcome their fears and have the life they want. What started as a maternity leave project, is now an essential resource with tens of thousands now listening to Alexia’s podcast each month as they seek to lose The Fear and prepare for pregnancy, birth and motherhood. The podcast is credited with helping thousands of women around the world in having a positive birth experience. A empowered birth experience is the best way to start the parenting journey because it infuses you with strength and resilience. Alexia is the developer of the healing modality Head Trash Clearance, a coach, speaker, trainer and author of the books “Fearless Birthing: Clear your fears for a positive birth” and “Clear Your Head Trash: How to create clarity, peace and confidence in your life and work”. She works privately with people from all over the world, as well as supporting them with her online products and programs. Fear Free Childbirth is the online destination for women seeking to take the fear out of pregnancy and birth with fear-clearance meditations, online fear-clearance courses, professional training and specialist programs for overcoming tokophobia. Find out more at FearFreeChildbirth.com and Fearless-Birthing.com