Blood in the Chocolate

Tom & Jason are talking about Blood in the Chocolate! The Basic Crawl Overview (00:23) Things we liked (03:42) Things we had questions about (12:40) Chain Lightning Round (18:17) The Expert Delve Heists (21:06) Blades in the Dark (24:26) 2D vs. 3D (32:05) Other criminal enterprises (33:57) Companion Adventures Music recommendations (38:07) Dishonored: The Knife of Dunwall (41:30) The Stuff (42:23) Futurama: Slurm Factory episode (43:18) Notes & Links Astor Piazzolla tracks mentioned on the show: Libertango, Fugata, Otoño Porteño, Milonga del Angel Our website 
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This is a podcast about tabletop roleplaying game modules and setting books.