Tales of the Scarecrow

The Basic Crawl 00:00:22 - Overview 00:01:31 - Our experience with the module 00:02:10 - Things we liked about the module 00:12:14 - Questions we had about the module 00:16:16 - Chain Lightning Round The Expert Delve 00:18:12 - Selling horror at the table (player side) 00:25:52 - Selling horror at the table (GM side) 00:40:15 - Selling horror at the table (online play) Companion Adventures 00:43:42 - Bluebeard’s Bride 00:44:45 - Film 00:45:38 - Music 00:46:00 - Other game products Links Our website www.gauntlet-rpg.com Our Patreon patreon.com/gauntlet Follow us on Twitter @GauntletRPG

Om Podcasten

This is a podcast about tabletop roleplaying game modules and setting books.