10: Stephen Port, Serial Killer

This week Nazir and Mark are joined by their first ever guest on Fear or Favour; BBC television producer, Charlotte Rowles. Charlotte has an extensive knowledge of the Stephen Port case, his victims and their families as well as the police failings that may have contributed to the deaths of three men. It is widely accepted that the police failed to properly investigate the murders because the victims were members of the LGBTQ+ community. Stephen Port is a British convicted serial killer who is responsible for the murder of four men and for committing multiple rapes. In 2016, Port received a life prison sentence with a whole life order, meaning he will never be released.

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Nazir Afzal OBE and Mark Williams-Thomas MA, PG Dip. know a thing or two about Crime & Justice. Having spent a combined 50+ years at the top of their prosecutorial & policing careers, they finally share their unflinching, unfiltered thoughts on the issues of the day. Neither allowed ‘Fear’ or ‘Favour’ to interfere with their pursuit of the truth. Nobody & nothing is off limits. You wish, you can show your appreciation and support Fear or Favour with a small monthly subscription via our Patreon page https://www.patreon.com/fearorfavour/