33: Unknown Serial Killer or Murder Suicide?

WARNING: This episode contains detailed descriptions of injuries and crime scenes relating to multiple murder cases. Mark and Nazir are joined this week by guest, David Collins, the Northern Editor at the Sunday Times to discuss his book "The Hunt For The Silver Killer". In June 2021 Stephanie Davies, a senior coroner's officer who works for the Cheshire Police, was suspended over her suggestion that elderly couples were being murdered by a serial killer. In David's book, he investigates Stephanie's findings and examines the evidence to see if an unknown serial killer could be at large in the North West of England.

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Nazir Afzal OBE and Mark Williams-Thomas MA, PG Dip. know a thing or two about Crime & Justice. Having spent a combined 50+ years at the top of their prosecutorial & policing careers, they finally share their unflinching, unfiltered thoughts on the issues of the day. Neither allowed ‘Fear’ or ‘Favour’ to interfere with their pursuit of the truth. Nobody & nothing is off limits. You wish, you can show your appreciation and support Fear or Favour with a small monthly subscription via our Patreon page https://www.patreon.com/fearorfavour/