97: StAR! Introducing State-of-the-Art Reviews

Drs. Paul Sax, Tara Vijayan, and Allan Tunkel join Febrile to chat about the debut of a new series called “StAR”!!  These upcoming episodes will highlight the outstanding Clinical Infectious Diseases (CID) journal State-of-the-Art Reviews (StAR), which cover common clinical topics that ID clinicians encounter.  Learn more about the creation of these articles from these CID editors before we kick off 4 back-to-back episodes!!Episodes | Consult Notes | Subscribe | Twitter | Merch | febrilepodcast@gmail.comFebrile is produced with support from the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA)

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An infectious diseases podcast! We use consult questions to dive into ID clinical reasoning, diagnostics, and antimicrobial management! Consult Notes and more information available at http://febrilepodcast.com/