The Mastery of Money - By Stuart Wilde

Stuart Wilde was a British writer. Best known for his works on New Age, self-empowerment, and spirituality .During this seminar Stuart talks about the mastery of money by raising your energy/vibration. By changing the way you thinkabout money you create will a different energy inside of you towards it.   By using the law of attraction and feeling abundant you will naturally find a way to make money in a system that is designed to keep the common man poor. 

Om Podcasten

Just some legendary earthlings sharing their particular perspectives, teachings and wisdom to the world in the form of ambient lectures, seminars, interviews or comedy Note: The ambient music behind the lectures are a distinctive characteristic of the Feed Your Brain podcast channel. The podcasts are designed to relax, listen and learn at the same time. If you are looking purely for spoken lectures without ambient sounds this channel might not be for you.