When humans and computers collide - the many horrors

When humans and computers collide - the many horrors. Join us while we discuss what happens when computers go wrong, some interesting edge cases and who is accountable.This podcast is part of a series of serious voyages across the tech seascape, where we pick apart shells of concepts and give you unfiltered views on them.

Om Podcasten

Let's talk about tech (maybe). ‣‣‣ Lee (@lee_crossley) writes software that sounds awesome and music that's bug-free. His primary duties include ensuring no prep and adding bugs to the podcast during the edit. ‣‣‣ Lauren (@lcolledge1983) is a healthcare bore and loves data and finding out about memes about a year after everyone else. She enjoys long debates about blockchain and being mansplained to. ‣‣‣ Andy (@azd_lowry) is a software developer, manager and semi-professional yak shaver. From the pre-Jurassic Park era. He enjoys long virtual walks in the snow and his favourite colour is indigo.