Daisy Jeffrey, Audrey Mason-Hyde & Dylan Storer (2020) | Stolen Inheritance

With ‘normal’ education on hold, a mountain of public debt, high levels of long-term unemployment and the mental health effects of isolation yet to fully emerge, the legacy of COVID-19 disproportionately falls on the shoulders of one demographic above all others … the nation’s youth. Hear from three of Australia’s most dynamic youth voices as they discuss present and future concerns. These young voices deserve a seat at the table, given it’s their future with which we keep gambling with. Daisy Jeffrey is a National Organiser of School Strike For Climate Change. She is working with school and university students across the world who are asking politicians to take our future seriously. Audrey Mason-Hyde is an activist, poet & public speaker. In 2017, Audrey created a talk for TedX Adelaide about their experience of gender.  Dylan Storer is a young journalist that grew up in the remote Kimberley region of Western Australia. He’s passionate about equity, justice and youth leadership on the issues of our time. 

Om Podcasten

Listen to over 10 years of talks presented at the Festival of Dangerous Ideas – Australia's original disruptive ideas festival. FODI brings to light important conversations that push the boundaries of conventional thought, challenging thinking on some of the most persevering and difficult issues of our time. Hear from our festival alumni – the world’s best experts, innovative thinkers and mischief makers – as they share provocative ideas and conversations that encourage debate and critical thinking. It’s time to get uncomfortable…