FODI: The In-Between | 01.5 | Light Shines | B-Side

Sydney-based writer Tasnim Hossain records her written take on the meandering histories of Enlightenment discussed by Joya Chatterji and Stephen Fry, and the experimental sounds of the first known recordings of the human voice. Music is composed from sounds found in the archives of, and recordings taken from a museum of mechanical music ( Produced by The Festival of Dangerous Ideas, The Ethics Centre and Audiocraft.  

Om Podcasten

Listen to over 10 years of talks presented at the Festival of Dangerous Ideas – Australia's original disruptive ideas festival. FODI brings to light important conversations that push the boundaries of conventional thought, challenging thinking on some of the most persevering and difficult issues of our time. Hear from our festival alumni – the world’s best experts, innovative thinkers and mischief makers – as they share provocative ideas and conversations that encourage debate and critical thinking. It’s time to get uncomfortable…